Idealfit Idealean protein reviews are nonexistent online since this is a brand new product and a brand new company. So you know I am absolutely thrilled to be one of the first to come out and tell you how this protein shake for women tastes, performs, and compares to other protein supplements out there! You know as FitLife Allie I am good for one thing only, and that’s telling it like it is. Ok I’d like to think I’m good at some other stuff too, but let’s just say that one of my key strengths is being able to breakdown a protein shake. I’m talking in-depth flavor reviewing. I’ve even wrote poems about how some of these protein shakes taste. Not even kidding. In my Protein World review I even wrote a personal letter the their label designer. It was a love letter. So can Idealfit hang with the likes of ProteinWorld or Shakeology, or any of the other monsters in the protein world right now? We’ll see. It all starts with flavor. And in this Idealfit review the first thing I will talk about is flavor. I’ll let you know what’s the best flavor of IdealLean protein shake for women. Is it chocolate? Vanilla? The suspense mounts. After we talk flavor, I’m going to break down this nutrition facts profile for you to tell you how many calories, fats, proteins, sugars, etc are in IdealLean. You obviously want to know if these shakes are healthy. And that’s what I’ll cover in the nutrition facts review section. I’ll finish with an evaluation of the label design, and then tie everything together with the IdealLean review summary. So. Are you ready? Sure you are. Let’s get this IdealLean review started.
I might be be up all night. I have so much work to do that it’s not even funny. I know. Working on a Sunday night. We’ve all done it. We all hate it. Sunday nights are such a drag anyways because the new week looms over us like a dark cloud. But tonight I’m taking a break from the real world to enter my happy place. My happy place is my beloved supplement review blog here with all of you. It’s my outlet for stress and it’s where I come to just let everything go.
So before we get started with our Idealfit Ideallean protein shake for women review I of course have to tell you how my weekend has been so far. So. Friday, I worked. Saturday I also worked. And then I went out and caused trouble with the girls. And today, I actually went to Church for the first time in a long time. It felt really good. And then I was going to go shopping, but I decided instead to workout. After my workout of course I needed a protein shake, so I figured I’d try my brand new Idealfit Ideallean Protein Shake! I bought it this week and have been stoked to try it and do a review- so- here goes. How does Idealfit taste?
Idealfit IdealLean Protein for Women Flavor Grade: 7.8
I’m going to average the two flavor grades here, because it’s really quite amazing the difference in the two flavors here. It’s like night and day. I had to double check that I used the same milk and everything in each one because one flavor was so dramatically different from the other. What was that difference, you ask? Well, the vanilla is horrible, while the chocolate is super super good. If you want to know “what’s the best flavor of Idealfit Ideallean?”, then your answer is : chocolate brownie, hands down. Here’s how I would describe and grade each flavor:
Chocolate Brownie: To be as poetic and dramatic as possible, this flavor of Ideallean makes me thing of Augustus Gloop from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. You know the scene I’m talking about? Doesn’t he fall into the river of chocolate and then (sort of disturbingly) get sucked up one of the pipes that circulate the chocolate? I thought so. Well, before he met his fate, he actually must have been in a chocolate-y heaven. That’s how I would describe chocolate Ideallean. You are in a whole world of Chocolate-y deliciousness. It’s rich, creamy, decadent chocolate. Expensive chocolate. Godiva Chocolate Brownie. None of that Hershey’s nonsense. I will drink this shake everyday until it’s gone. I’m giving it a 9.5. It’s almost as good as the best flavor of Protizyme.
French Vanilla: This flavor is as equally bad as the chocolate is good. The flavor is just plain ugly. If it was a person it would be, well, how about using Augustus Gloop again. Actually that’s mean Allie. Actually I don’t care. I’m being honest. This flavor is horrid. First of all this powder didn’t mix as well for me. My blender was broken so for both flavors I was hand shaking these in my cyclone cup. Which is perfectly adequate for like 90% of all shakes. But for some reason the vanilla Ideallean was just NOT mixing up for me. And the taste! It’s not NEARLY sweet enough, and not NEARLY vanilla-y enough. I don’t know if I just got a bad batch, but it was almost as if they forgot to add the flavorings to this batch. Super gross tasting. I give it a score of 6.0.
IdealFit Ideallean Formula Grade: 8.6
Ok so here’s all you need to know about Ideallean’s formulation on this protein supplement. There are three things. Ready? Ok. Good.
- The first thing you should know about this protein powder for women from nutrition standpoint is that it is a whey protein. Whey is a fast-digesting, dairy-based protein that is the most commonly used by these protein shake companies. Whey is a proven winner in the supplement world because it can repair your muscles the fastest. I don’t mind that Ideallean is ALL whey, but for me personally I prefer a blended protein that has fast AND slow proteins, like Apollo, for example. These blended proteins take longer overall to digest so that you are providing the muscles a steady stream of muscle-repairing amino acids.
- The second thing to know about Idealfit shakes is that they have a super good macronutrient profile. This is referring to the overall stats of the product. From total calories (80), to fats (0), to protein (20g), to sugars (0), to carbs total (0), this shake checks out across all the key areas. It’s low carb, sugar-free, and has a sturdy 20 gram dosage of protein. Can’t really beat that, can you?
- The last thing I’ll talk about with Ideallean’s ingredient deck is that they have some goodies in here that are super beneficial. Much like Shakeology, this protein formula has an awesome ‘recovery blend’ that basically houses all the things that set this product apart. There is acai, blueberry, and magosteen to provide extra nutrients to the protein. Now. This is much less intricate addition than that found in Shakeology, but that’s to be expected. Idealfit is just a baby company versus the massive Shakeology company. But. Yeah. I like this formula. I’ll give it an 8.6. How is the label and packaging, though?
IdealLean Protein for Women Packaging Grade: 7.8
This product packaging is just average in my opinion. We have more, wouldn’t you know it, black and pink going on. (read my Nutrabio review to read a pretty serious rant on this topic). There is nothing extraordinary about what Idealfit has done from a design perspective. It’s just, well, bland. It’s plain jane. It’s vanilla (LOLLL). I feel like it was designed in about fifteen minutes by someone who was paid way too much money to do an average job.
If i had to pick out a few things that I don’t mind about this Ideallean label, it would be that they included some semi-attractive flavor graphics on the featured areas of the label. The chocolate brownie looks especially tasty. That’s probably because subconsciously I know the brownie flavor is far superior to the vanilla. But anyways, it still does look good.
The other thing I kind of like is the font that they used for the word ‘chocolate’ and ‘vanilla’. It reminds me of the sort of cursive found on the ‘Chipotle’ signs. You know the ones I’m talking about? Sure you do. Speaking of Chipotle. I’m getting hungry and quite frankly running out of things to say about Ideallean. So let’s save everyone’s time and wrap up the review. You have a good sense for this product by now.
IdealLean Protein Shake Review Summary:
- Idealfit IdealLean Protein for Women Flavor Grade: 7.8
- IdealFit Ideallean Formula Grade: 8.6
- IdealLean Protein for Women Packaging Grade: 7.8
- Idealfit IdealLean Protein for Women Value Grade: 8.8
If this protein supplement was a sandwich, it would be a blandwich. A ‘blandwich’ is what you call a perfectly satisfactory sandwich that doesn’t go above and beyond in any way. It’s just there. You eat it. It’s fine. But you won’t go out of your way to praise it because there’s really not anything terribly praise-worthy about said blandwich. So that’s what I think of Idealfit Ideallean shakes. They’re just ok. Like a blandwich.*
Idealfit IdealLean Protein Final Score: 8.3
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